That whole war began when no one was looking. It started back in 2005 with the enactment of a new teacher contract. Only the smart ones realized that a few provisions of that contract placed teachers in the most vulnerable positions they had been. NYC Educator was one of the few folks who realized that not being able to grieve a letter to file (and that the new 'open market system' for transfers) were very dangerous to teachers. James Eterno was another, as was Norm Scott. Although the hammer didn't start dropping until two years later, he and others, wound up being completely correct. It was only when Klein enacted the gotcha squad and changed a bunch of Chancellor's Regulations in order to 'catch' more teachers (and a whole bunch of other stunts) that many of us began to truly understand the depths of our peril. Of course, by that time it was too late and the now famous #edwars here in New York City had begun.
This same pattern is playing out on the state level -where so many more teachers will be effected. No one is looking! And as only the active teachers are paying attention, the Governor is set to embark on an ambitious campaign specifically tilted against public schools and against public school teachers. He considers people wearing a button asking to 'respect public education' offensive. He is gearing up for a blitz on our strength -our union- so that he enact policies that will only be painful to parents, teachers and other stakeholders who have devoted their careers to education profession.
The governor considers this a monopoly. Many of us know it to be a public trust. He thinks that privatizing much of our public education system is a good thing. That many folks believe that defending and strengthening public ed through doubling a commitment to equity is better way to go.
There are a few real heroes heading up to Albany tomorrow to tell the governor he's wrong (and that folks are paying attention). If you're able to go, you should go. Info about the event, part of the Moral Mondays movement, because saving public Ed is also about social justice, is pasted below.
Although I'm a little hesitant to place the contact info of Maria Bautista in this post, contacting MORE's Mindy Rosier (@MindyRosier), who will be one of the captains for the buses leaving from the city tomorrow is a good place to start. AQENY's website is another. Plenty of parking near those buses and the trip up to Albany is one of the most pleasant anywhere when you don't have to drive!
SEE YOU TOMORROW Moral Monday in Albany
Monday, January 12, 2015
Buses leaving from:
34 W 14th Street btw 5th and 6th- Manhattan 6:15 am
116th and Adam Clayton Powell -Manhattan 6:45 am
55 Hanson Place-Bk 6:45 am
Eastern Parkway and Nostrand Avenue-Bk 6:30 a.m.
60 Cook Avenue- Bklyn 6:30 a.m.
345 Brook Avenue- Bx 6:45
1665 St. Marks Place, BKLYN - 6:15AM
540 W 169 Street, Manhattan - 6:30AM
We rally for
¨ $2.2 Billion in new funding for public schools
¨ Maintain Current Cap on Charters Schools to Stop School Privatization
¨ A Resolution to the 20-Year Campaign for Fiscal Equity Fight
Seeking Equitable Funding in all Schools Regardless of Zip Code
Breakfast and lunch provided/ Interpretation Services Available
Contact: Maria Bautista to RSVP or for more information
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